CPA Target Calculator

Are you wondering if a modification to a site changed your traffic or conversion numbers? Enter your visitor and conversion numbers below and see how much a page redesign improved your sales. The significance calculator will give you the details.

Frequently Asked Questions

CPC Field

Enter the average CPC of your traffic purchase. If you don’t have a PPC history yet, try to estimate a value.

%Conversion Field

Enter the average CPC of your traffic purchase. If you don’t have a PPC history yet, try to estimate a value.

%Qualification Field

Here you will put the % of leads that turn a deal. For example, if every 2 leads you close a deal, your %Qualification is 50%.

Average Deal Profit

Enter your average revenue with a closed lead. How much on average do you earn per deal.

LTV Multiplier

Here you will put the average recurrence that a lead gives you. If with a lead you only do business once, your value is 1.
But if a lead generates you a fixed monthly income for 6 months, your value is 6.


It is the intended return. If you place 3, it means that for every 1 euro invested, you expect to have a return of 3 (3 in profit). If you put 1, it means you are willing to break even.

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