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Frequently Asked Questions

Will our collaboration be a success?

Of course no. Nobody can tell you that you’ll have success in less than 1 month and bring home millions of leads converting directly to revenue. But, I’ll do my best to be closer to that position.

Will our collaboration be a success?

Of course no. Nobody can tell you that you’ll have success in less than 1 month and bring home millions of leads converting directly to revenue. But, I’ll do my best to be closer to that position.

What do you need to get started?

First, we’ll need to jump in a quick chat and I’ll understand what are your business marketing roadblocks and how could I really make a difference in your strategy. Then, I’ll pinpoint the major issues and start planning the next steps to solve it… besides all the technical audits and 1000 pages marketing plan.

What are the benefits of SEO?

By improving your website with quality and high-end performance, you’ll be able to rank higher and increase the number of conversions to your website.

Im in a different timezone, could I still work with you?

Yes. I work in projects around the world and I’m always willing to free some space to understand how could I support everyone.

How long will it take before seeing results?

It depends on the main goal and market position. Normally, it doesn’t take more than 2 months to start seeing real results with constant growing.

I don't have the budget. Could you mentorship, or have partnerships?

Yes. I’ve done it before and normally it is with 2-4 sessions per month, between 30min-1hour per session. Obviously it will depend on what do you want to reach and how much time is it needed. The payments are done 50% upfront in order to book these sessions.
