Helped the World’s First Solar Car to get more than 6.000 registrants and over 600 pre buyers in less than 3 weeks

by Jul 6, 2024Case Study

I played a key role in developing and executing a comprehensive marketing plan for the launch of our company’s second model car, which garnered approximately 6,000 intent orders within three weeks. This success not only positioned the product favorably in the market but also supported investment opportunities.

Target audience

Primary Audience: Solar and clean energy enthusiasts worldwide
Secondary Audience:

  • Early adopters of electric vehicles (EVs)
  • Environmentally conscious consumers
  • Tech-savvy individuals interested in sustainable technologies

Value proposition

Our value proposition was tailored to resonate with different international markets, but the core message remained consistent:

Core Message: “Clean Energy for Everyone”

Supporting Messages:
Affordability and accessibility of clean energy vehicles
Superior technology and innovative features
Environmental impact and sustainability benefits

Marketing channels

We utilized a mix of paid and organic channels to maximize our reach and engagement.

Paid Channels:
Google Ads
Meta (Facebook and Instagram)

Social Media:
Organic posts and engagement on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn

Email Marketing:
Targeted email campaigns and newsletters
Public Relations (PR) and Community-Based Communications:

Press releases:
Partnerships with eco-friendly and tech communities
Influencer collaborations

Referral Program:
Incentives for existing customers and early adopters to refer friends and family


Segmented Paid Media Campaign: We crafted segmented campaigns targeting different value propositions with teaser visuals across Google, Meta, and LinkedIn. Emphasized features like affordability, environmental impact, and cutting-edge technology.
Lead Generation: Implemented an easy-to-submit lead generation form to capture interest and inquiries efficiently.
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Developed a CRO landing page with varied messaging and translations to cater to international audiences.
Extended Email Workflow: Designed an email sequence focusing on product features, company news, milestones, and addressing current EV customer pain points.

Timelines on a 12-week plan:

Weeks 1-2:
Develop visuals and detailed copy, including new video shoots.
Collaborate with an agency to expedite the creation of online assets (landing pages, ad campaigns).
Finalize budget allocation for various channels.

Weeks 3-8:
Launch brand awareness and video view campaigns.
Allocate the largest portion of the budget to capture global audiences.

Weeks 8-11:
Focus on retargeting strategies to drive pre-order form submissions.
Share campaign progress and results publicly to build momentum.

Week 12:
Conduct a thorough analysis using Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Data Studio.
Evaluate campaign performance and gather insights for future initiatives.


Achieve 600 pre-orders/buyers, potentially generating $10-20 million in revenue.
Enroll 6,000 individuals on the waiting list.
Gain 20,000 new subscribers.
Maintain an average Cost Per Lead (CPL) of $7 for registrants and $23 for pre-orders.

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